Thursday, March 19, 2015

Official Launch of The Motivational Workbook for the Creative Mind on Etsy!

The Motivational Workbook for the Creative Mind: If you need to get connected with your creative side, if you feel stuck, uninspired, lost, down, get this amazing workbook to get you motivated to create. The creative mind is a beautiful thing, don’t waste!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Learning to Let Go of Unproductive Thoughts, Habits, and Feelings

In the last couple of weeks I have been navigating my two career paths, teaching and creating art. This has led me to contemplate my efforts; am I splitting my talents? Am I being fair to my students or to myself by following two separate paths?

I came to a realization or a reminder that in order to nurture my talents and passions I have to maintain a compassionate and disciplined mindset. This mindset requires me to rethink  some of the habitual negative thought patterns.

Advice I have followed when facing negative thoughts includes:

1. Don't dwell on things for too long. If I had no control over something that happened an affirmation I said was, "Put this behind you, think about what's next."

2. I also had to realize that the negative thinking did not lead to solutions, and I had to cut those thoughts immediately by saying,
"Stop. This isn't doing you any good."
Firmly, I would move along and replace my thinking with something productive, like a creative project, planning, or marking. I believe that we must learn to be stern with our thoughts and ensure we choose a positive direction for them to go in, otherwise, they can easily lead us into a downward spiral. But if we do go down the latter path the next step has worked miracles for me when my "thought chaos" ensues.

3. A meditation and deep breathing exercise for anxiety:
"Breathe in love, breathe out peace." It takes practice, but it is my go to whenever I am lead astray by thoughts, or when I am having trouble sleeping. It is a great action to take to refocus your mind.

4. Here are some more helpful tips on letting go created by Buddha Heart. Thanks for reading and I wish you all the best on your creative journey.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

How does one become the Queen Bee?

The wonderful world of the internet is definitely a huge help in creating your queendom or kingdom. Practicing and perfecting your potential means you are on point in every aspect of your creative business. What do I mean by on point? Let me elaborate:

1.   Do what you love and follow what brings you the most bliss, like a shark to blood. Male sure to follow one focused desire so that you are concentrated on your vision.  

2.   Live a creative life, not only when you are working on your craft, but find time to incorporate beauty into every moment. When being creative becomes an everyday ritual, a routine, and at best second nature, a shift will begin to occur. I knew that I could not go a day without creating art and I made a decision to create everyday. It took me 6 months before I was in a consistent, natural flow. It feels like pure bliss, even the crappy days because I know what cures me,
     getting lost in the art. 
3.  Always keep the Big Picture in mind, or as Robin Sharma says, "Until your mission is an obsession nothing will change. Your life is just too valuable for you not to be successful."

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Creativity & Motivation: Part 2


Staying in your creative flow requires discipline. Even when you don't feel motivated to create, when inspiration feels miles away, you need to plant the seed of 'get it done' and do what you love. Here are some of my thoughts on living the creative process:

1.) Mistakes, we have all made them and when they happen it can feel like the end of the world. Yet if we choose to embrace mistakes and see them more like speed bumps, or detours on our journey we are less likely to get hung up therefore distracted by them. Keep moving forward and creating, even if it's shitty work, move through it until you get 'with it'!

Segway into 2.) Practice. This past summer I made a decision that I would not go a day without creating. I did it, it has been over 8 months now and I am l still pushing through the good, the bad, and the ugly days. I have learned a couple of tricks, like when I need to get back into the flow of things, or if I need a peaceful break I go to a greenhouse and draw. Whether it is a real greenhouse, my moms living room, or someone's Pinterest account, it doesn't matter, I get it done in order to get back into that euphoric creative mental space.

Ironically 3.) Breaks, is the exact opposite of my practice advice. These two go hand in hand. Any artist I have ever know, requires detachment in order to fully engage in the creative process. Get away from your work if it's driving you mad. Get back to work if it's driving you mad. It's just the way it goes.

4.) Coffee. Now, this is my instant motivator, that boost, like nuts for a squirrel. It doesn't necessarily have to be coffee for you, but you should have a go to beverage that aids in your process, nothing in excess though! If I have more than 2 coffees it inhibits my creative process because my hands shake. Be thoughtful about what your beverage is and it's repercussions!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Creation and Motivation: Part 1

In order to succeed in this creative life you must learn to accept yourself,
all of your weird and wacky ways, the ups and downs that come with
being the authentic you that you were meant to be.
Acceptance, take a deep breathe as you read that word, get used to the thought of it,
the action of acceptance, and try to paint yourself in its reflection.

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
Dr. Seuss